Двойничка на хоризонта: Прилича ли ви тази жена на Дженифър Анистън?

Дженифър Анистън
Снимка: Getty

Не всеки ден човек попада на двойничка на любимката ни Дженифър Анистън, но и това се случва. Да, Дженифър има стандартната светла коса и сини очи, но всичко останало във видя ѝ е доста иконично и няма как да бъде объркано. Ето защо е доста изненадващо, когато се появи жена, която доста напомня на нея и притежава част от излъчването ѝ.

Късметлийката се казва Кейтлин и живее в Калифорния. Снимката ѝ плъзва из социалните мрежи след посещение при фризьора си.


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Стилистът снима прическата, която е направил на Кейтлин, а под кадъра започват да валят коментари, че косата ѝ е страхотна, но още по-страхотна е голямата ѝ прилика с актрисата Дженифър Анистън.

Макар Дженифър и Кейтлин да са с различен цвят на косите - приликата между двете е очевидна.

А вие какво мислите? Има ли прилика между двете дами?


What Susie says about Sally says more about Susie than it does about Sally. 🙌 . . Friends...in this day and age where bullying and gossiping are frequently talked about and looked down upon, it shocks me that women are still engaging it. And that’s part of what my week has been made up of... . . Here’s the thing...when I’ve found out that someone has said things about me, I don’t go on the defense. Since I can remember I’ve had rumors spread about me in some sort of way, and now it doesn’t phase me. And here’s why/how... . . My initial reaction may be frustration, but I immediately wonder what/why would this person say such things. What’s going on in her life that she feels the need to put someone else down? . . I then think about the words being said and they’re always untrue. Not once did a rumor about me hold any validity. So what does that mean for me, it circles back to my first point. What is going on in her life to make her feel the need to put someone else down? . . When you choose EMPATHY and LOVE over anger, you find that you are more at peace with someone speaking negatively about you. You find that it’s not important that you resolve the conflict, and to keep being true to you. It allows you to feel more confident and strong in yourself. Anger and being defensive eats away at you. It may feel good at first, but it leaves a scar. I know this because I used to choose anger, and I’d go on the defense. . . Bottom line...if someone is speaking poorly about you...it’s more about them than you. Choose empathy for them and choose to be at peace knowing you are not at the root of why they’re saying what they’re saying.❤️ . . May we ALL STRIVE to LIFT OTHERS UP. May we all choose to applaud other women for their accomplishments, their beauty, their souls, and who they are. MAY WE ALL CHOOSE TO BLOOM without comparing ourselves to other flowers. We are all beautiful in our own ways and doing the best we can! ❤️ . . Tag a friend that may need to hear this today! 💓🙌💓🙌💓

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